
Projects For the creation of open, closed or structures façades, designers are taking advantage of the properties of exotic wood that are appreciated as much for their aesthetics as for their functionalities (coziness, sun protection, insulation).
35 projects found
Project Date Architect Country Surface Color Keywords
Hotel Aman New York
HHTL49 2022 Denniston United States 500 - 1000 m2 Limba Hotel Aman New York
Privathaus_Vertical Sonnenschutz, jalousien_Privatresidenz
PLOU43 2021 Hive Architects United States 500 - 1000 m2 Limba Private Residences_vertical brise soleil, louver_private residence
Institutionelle Einrichtungen_Zäune, Mauer, Portal_Gebogene Profilen
ISCH46 2017 Hong-Kong 500 - 1000 m2 Limba Institutional Buildings_fence, wall, gate_bent profiles
Institutionelle Einrichtungen_Horizontal Sonnenschutz, jalousien_Ausstellung, Museum
IEXP14 2016 Eley Barkley PA United States 500 - 1000 m2 Limba Institutional Buildings_horizontal brise soleil, louver _exhibition, museum
Institutionelle Einrichtungen_Geländer_Krankenhaus, Arztpraxis
IHOS19 2020 Japan 500 - 1000 m2 Limba Institutional Buildings_guardrails_hospital, doctor's office
AFEN31 2019 United States 100 - 500 m2 Limba
Restaurant und Hotelgewerbe_Pergola, Dachüberstand, Dach_Vorzeigeprojekte - WPC holz
HBRA16 2014 Pierre-Jean Picart French territorial collec. > 2500 m2 Limba Hospitality Buildings_pergola, canopy, porch, roof_showcase WPC
Verwaltungsgebäude_Terrasse Gewerbliche Nutzung_Vorzeigeprojekte - WPC holz
BOFF07 2015 Jean Philippe Bridot France > 2500 m2 Limba Business Buildings_deck commercial use_showcase WPC
Restaurant und Hotelgewerbe_Brücken, Rampen, Gehweg_Vorzeigeprojekte - WPC holz
HBRA11 2014 Pierre-Jean Picart French territorial collec. > 2500 m2 Limba Hospitality Buildings_bridge, access ramp, walkway_showcase WPC
Restaurant und Hotelgewerbe_Terrasse Gewerbliche Nutzung_Vorzeigeprojekte - WPC holz
HBRA13 2014 Pierre-Jean Picart French territorial collec. > 2500 m2 Limba Hospitality Buildings_deck commercial use_showcase WPC
Restaurant und Hotelgewerbe_Brücken, Rampen, Gehweg_Vorzeigeprojekte - WPC holz
HBRA07 2014 Pierre-Jean Picart French territorial collec. > 2500 m2 Limba Hospitality Buildings_bridge, access ramp, walkway_showcase WPC
Restaurant und Hotelgewerbe_Terrasse Gewerbliche Nutzung_Vorzeigeprojekte - WPC holz
HBRA14 2014 Pierre-Jean Picart French territorial collec. > 2500 m2 Limba Hospitality Buildings_deck commercial use_showcase WPC
Restaurant und Hotelgewerbe_Brücken, Rampen, Gehweg_Vorzeigeprojekte - WPC holz
HBRA06 2014 Pierre-Jean Picart French territorial collec. > 2500 m2 Limba Hospitality Buildings_bridge, access ramp, walkway_showcase WPC
Restaurant und Hotelgewerbe_Brücken, Rampen, Gehweg_Hotel
HHTL18 2014 French territorial collec. < 100m2 Limba Hospitality Buildings_bridge, access ramp, walkway_hotel
Restaurant und Hotelgewerbe_Schwimmbad deck_Vorzeigeprojekte - WPC holz
HBRA05 2014 Pierre-Jean Picart French territorial collec. > 2500 m2 Limba Hospitality Buildings_pools surround_showcase WPC
Restaurant und Hotelgewerbe_Lattenrost_Vorzeigeprojekte - WPC holz
HBRA15 2014 Pierre-Jean Picart French territorial collec. > 2500 m2 Limba Hospitality Buildings_duckboard_showcase WPC
Restaurant und Hotelgewerbe_Brücken, Rampen, Gehweg_Vorzeigeprojekte - WPC holz
HBRA01 2014 Pierre-Jean Picart French territorial collec. > 2500 m2 Limba Hospitality Buildings_bridge, access ramp, walkway_showcase WPC
Restaurant und Hotelgewerbe_Brücken, Rampen, Gehweg_Vorzeigeprojekte - WPC holz
HBRA12 2014 Pierre-Jean Picart French territorial collec. > 2500 m2 Limba Hospitality Buildings_bridge, access ramp, walkway_showcase WPC
Restaurant und Hotelgewerbe_Brücken, Rampen, Gehweg_Vorzeigeprojekte - WPC holz
HBRA00 2014 Pierre-Jean Picart French territorial collec. > 2500 m2 Limba Hospitality Buildings_bridge, access ramp, walkway_showcase WPC
Restaurant und Hotelgewerbe_Schwimmbad deck_Vorzeigeprojekte - WPC holz
HBRA02 2014 Pierre-Jean Picart French territorial collec. > 2500 m2 Limba Hospitality Buildings_pools surround_showcase WPC
Restaurant und Hotelgewerbe_Schwimmbad deck_Vorzeigeprojekte - WPC holz
HBRA04 2014 Pierre-Jean Picart French territorial collec. > 2500 m2 Limba Hospitality Buildings_pools surround_showcase WPC
Restaurant und Hotelgewerbe_Schwimmbad deck_Vorzeigeprojekte - WPC holz
HBRA03 2014 Pierre-Jean Picart French territorial collec. > 2500 m2 Limba Hospitality Buildings_pools surround_showcase WPC
Institutionelle Einrichtungen_Dachanlage, Balk., Laufgang_Ausstellung, Museum
IEXP20 2018 France 100 - 500 m2 Limba Institutional Buildings_rooftop, balcony, gangway_exhibition, museum
Restaurant und Hotelgewerbe_Fassadenverkleidung - horizontal_Restaurant
HRED15 2013 Lebanon 500 - 1000 m2 Limba Hospitality Buildings_horizontal closed-joint cladding_restaurant
Restaurant und Hotelgewerbe_Dachanlage, Balk., Laufgang_Restaurant
HRED10 2015 Switzerland 500 - 1000 m2 Limba Hospitality Buildings_rooftop, balcony, gangway_restaurant
Tamachi shopping terrace
MMAL42 2019 Japan > 2500 m2 Limba Tamachi shopping terrace
Einrichtungen_Schwimmbad deck_Am Wasser entlang
ASWP41 2015 French territorial collec. 100 - 500 m2 Limba Installations_pools surround_on the water's edge
Einrichtungen_Schwimmbad deck_Am Wasser entlang
ASWP35 2015 France < 100m2 Limba Installations_pools surround_on the water's edge
Wohngebäude_Terrasse Privat Nützung _Wohnhaus
RDCK30 2021 Lord Aegent Sargent United States < 100m2 Limba Residential Buildings_deck residential use_residential building
Transport-Einrichtungen_Terrasse Gewerbliche Nutzung_Vorzeigeprojekte - WPC holz
TAER06 2004 Nikken sekkei Japan > 2500 m2 Limba Transportation Facilities_deck commercial use_showcase WPC
Einrichtungen_Terrasse Gewerbliche Nutzung_öffentlicher Platz
APUP01 2011 France 500 - 1000 m2 Limba Installations_deck commercial use_public space
AAME08 2015 SOHO architecture et urbanisme France 100 - 500 m2 Limba Installations_furniture_offices
BOFF36 2021 Smith Gee Studio, Nashville United States 100 - 500 m2 Limba Business Buildings_soffit_offices
Restaurant und Hotelgewerbe_Brücken, Rampen, Gehweg_Vorzeigeprojekte - WPC holz
HBRA09 2014 Pierre-Jean Picart French territorial collec. > 2500 m2 Limba Hospitality Buildings_bridge, access ramp, walkway_showcase WPC
Restaurant und Hotelgewerbe_Brücken, Rampen, Gehweg_Vorzeigeprojekte - WPC holz
HBRA10 2014 Pierre-Jean Picart French territorial collec. > 2500 m2 Limba Hospitality Buildings_bridge, access ramp, walkway_showcase WPC